Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Marijuana Treatment

The treatment for marijuana addiction is similar to that of any other drug addiction. Individuals who are attempting to quit using marijuana on their own need support and understanding. Those who find that they are unable to quit using on their own must find alternate methods to ending their addiction. Below are several treatment options to choose from. The severity of the user's addiction should be a key factor in their treatment choice.

Those who find that they seem to have little to no trouble to giving up marijuana use may choose to attend support group meetings to aid in their recovery and help them when they feel weak. Those who are chronic users and are unable to stop using, no matter how hard they try should consider attending an inpatient marijuana treatment program. There they will be provided with 24 hour support as well as trained professionals who understand what they are experiencing.

The process for marijuana addiction treatment typically goes as follows:
The individual goes through marijuana withdrawal
Then enters a detoxification process that helps in removing the remaining THC metabolites from their system
Finally, the individual attends behavioral therapy to address their addiction to marijuana

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana addiction is the consequence of habitual use of marijuana. It can be described as chronically making the decision to quit using marijuana followed shortly by a relapse due to overwhelming cravings for it. Marijuana is considered to be both mentally and emotionally addictive. Users come to believe that they need it to function normally and have fun. This misconception is very common among those who use marijuana on a daily basis. Many of these habitual users find that they must be high to enjoy themselves and to feel normal, even though marijuana itself is not physically addictive.

Over time, repeated use of marijuana changes the individual in many ways. Changes can be scene socially, emotionally, physically, as well as psychologically. Individuals addicted to marijuana tend to gravitate to others who share their common interest in the drug. They also tend to loose interest in activities that once meant a lot to them such as going out with friends and participating in sports. Habitual users of marijuana tend to change their appearance, and begin to dress more casual and at times may even look sloppy. Additionally, they may feel that every activity should revolve around smoking, obtaining, and getting stoned.

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System?

Marijuana is the most commonly used and tested drug in the United States and several other countries as well. Marijuana is the drug that is most likely to stay in your system for days, weeks, or even months. Therefore, even though marijuana is one of the most likely drug to cause you to fail a drug test. The speeed at which marijuana leaves your body depends on the speed of your metabolism. factores in determining how long the drug will remain in your sytem are your overall health, body weight, fat percentage, and the degree of exposure to the drug toxins.

The THC in marijuana enters the bloodstream within minutes of being smoked and is then rapidly absorbed and stored in fatty body tissue, including the brain, liver, bladder, and kidneys.

The fact that THC is fat soluble is the reason why THC is able to remain in the body and be detected for a relatively long period of time when compared to other controlled substances. THC can remain in the body and its metabolites can be detected by many drug tests from 3 to 90 days after it is ingested orally or smoked.

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana is legal and very much affordable. There are many studies regarding the use of cannimis in a medicinal content. Drug usage generally requires a perscription, and distribution is usually done within a framework defined by local laws. There are several methods for administration of dosage including vaporizing or smoking dried cannabis buds, drinking or eating cannabis extracts,and taking synthetic THC pills.

Medical use of cannabis is legal in a limited number of territories worldwide, including Canada, Austria, Netherland, Spain, Israel, Finland nad portugal. There are currently five US states considering medical marijuana bills in their state legislatures: Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York. A study by Complutense University of Madrid found the active chemical in marijuana promotes the death of brain cancer cells by essentially helping them feed upon themselves in a process called autophagy. According to a 2007 study by scientists at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute, a compound found in cannabis may stop breast cancer from spreading throughout the body.

Why Do People With Hiv Use Marijuana?

People with HIV use marijuana to stimulate appetite and to reduce nausea. Many people with HIV have low appetite. This can be due to fatigue or drug side effects. Low appetite can lead to AIDS wasting Marijuana stimulates the appetite, preventing these problems.

Some people with HIV get nauseated when they take antiretroviral medications (ARVs). This can make it difficult to take all scheduled doses. Marijuana can help control the nausea.It may also relieve the pain of peripheral neuropathy and is being studied for that purpose.

How You Can Tell If Someone Is Smoking Marijuana

This topic is to all those moms that think there son or daughter is smoking marijuana. If they come home with red eyes and a tired look on there face. also when they have an increase in apatite whick is also known as "The Munchies". If there holding any drug paraphernalia related to smoking marijuana. Look for materials such as bongs, rolling papers, roach clips, pipes or other items used to smoke or store marijuana.

One of the most serious consequences of marijuana use is paranoia. Watch for behavior that includes suspicious thoughts and feelings that "everyone is out to get" the individual in question. When an individual is intoxicated from smoking marijuana, they will sometimes laugh uncontrollably, even at highly inappropriate moments. Bad sleep habits is a sign of marijuana use. Spending money on marijuana on a daily bases. If you really think your son or daughter is getting stoned take them to get a drug test or go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a drig test.

Types Of Weed

Figure 1: A Cannibis indica leaf. Overlapping, wide blades and a dark green color is typical of indica varieties.

Figure 2: A Cannibis Sativa Leaf. Sativa varieties are distintly charecterized by slender blades that range from light to medium green in color

There are several varieties of weed, with different levels of potency, as well as different variations of highs. Weed plants are classifies into two basic types: Cannibis indica and Cannibis Sativa.

Indicas are stocky plants with wide leaves (figure 1) and short branches that seldom grow five feet tall. They mature quickly and become filled with dense and resnous buds hat range in color from dark green to deep purple. Indicas generally belong to the non-tropical and drier parts of the planet, such as Afghanistan, Turkey, and Iran.

Sativa varities range between six to over twenty feet tall. They have light green color leaves with thin blades (figure 2), and there resin content is considerably lower than indicas. Their buds have a strong citrus scent and usually have a sweat flavor. Sativas also take anywhere from four to ten weeks longer to mature than indicas. Sativa are found all over the planet: however, the most potent varieties grow in the tropical regions of the world like Colombia, Thailand, and Brazil.